This Peice of work was created as part of an art test I was to do, to demonstrate what I could acomplish in 1 week. The project then expanded a bit past the first week to see where it would go past in the initial test. 
I demonstrate working from real life refereance to producing the fininished result in Unreal Engine 5
Visual Referance 
I did some research into what a 'Curio' was and it basically meant and unquie or special item. So i decided to make a special orinmetal bowl which was stored in a special box. I initial decided to just work on the box and the bowl, but as the week moved on and I realised I had more time, I added in the table and candles.
Low and High Poly
Box & Bowl High
Box & Bowl High
Box and Bowl Low
Box and Bowl Low
Bowl UVs
Bowl UVs
Box Exterior UVs
Box Exterior UVs
Box Interior UVs
Box Interior UVs
When I came to UV unwrapping the box, I decided to unwrapp the inside and the outside seperately and they would have a material slot each as I was trying to maxise quality or optimising for performance. 
Table UVs
Table UVs
Substance Painter - Box & Bowl
Box Outside
Box Outside
Box Inside
Box Inside
Curio Bowl
Curio Bowl
Substance Painter - Table
Substance Painter - Candle
Unreal Engine 5 Box & Bowl Setup
If I was looking to optimise these props to maximise performance I would have atlased the maps of the Bowl, Inside, Outside of the box and probably the table all together in one map. Atlased Base Colour, Atlased Normal and an Atlased channel packed AO, Roughness and Metalic Map.
Bowl Material Setup
Bowl Material Setup
Box Inside Material Setup
Box Inside Material Setup
Box Outside Material Setup
Box Outside Material Setup
Unreal Engine 5 Table Setup
Unreal Engine 5 Candle Setup
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