Modelling Character & Modular Clothing Parts

Block Model (1.5K Tris)

Block Model Sub-Division (6.1K Tris)

Basemesh Size Comparason

Added Wings

Wings Back (14.4K Tris)

Wing Membrane Added to wings (15.3K Tris)

Character Clothes & Armour (25.5K Tris)

Everything Together (40.8K tris)
I modlled the cloak and tunic as different parts and wait painted them to a bone each, because I wanted to test out Unreals Cloth Physics.

Mesh Components Outliner


Singled out Wing Membrane UVs

Coloured Membranes
I tried to create the membranes of the wings transparent by changing the opacity of the texture map, in the digital drawing software I was using. however when it incorperated it into Substance and then Unreal it not appear transparent. If I want to try and achieve this effect, I should try exploring Opacity maps to get the effect working.
Substance Painter

Demon Character in Unreal Engine 4


Rig Demonstration
Rig Hierarchy Outline

Animations in Unreal Engine 4
(Work in Progress)
(Work in Progress)

Run Cycle

Walk Cycle

Jump Start