Two days to complete
This is the process of asset development of the sword Glamdring from The Hobbit Movies
(Asset Development Practice)
(Asset Development Practice)

High Poly Topology

ID Map High Poly (Materials)

ID Materials (4 Texture Sets)

ID Map via Vertex Colours (1 Texture Set)
Originally I was using materials to create ID maps for texturing in substance, but recently found that vertex colours could create the same effect and reduce the amount of texture sets and ultimately maps need to texture an asset

Low Poly
4,500 Triangles

Low Poly UVs

Substance Painter

Ambient Occlusion Map

Base Colour

Roughness Map

Metallic Map

Normal Map
Unreal Engine 04

I went back into substance painter and adjusted the roughness of the guard and pommel, so these parts became clearer and more distinct from the rest of the blade.