Art found in Credits of PInehearts, Made by Emily Cooper
Art found in Credits of PInehearts, Made by Emily Cooper
Below is a collation of some of my work which I made for the game Pine Hearts, during my 6 month long internship at Hyper Luminal Games. 
Made with Maya and imported into Unity. 
Pinehearts is available on Steam and Nintendo Switch
2D Artwork made by Emily Cooper
2D Artwork made by Emily Cooper
My role on the Pine Hearts art team was to develop assets in the stylised aesthetic which it was made in, this revolved around focusing primarily on bold forms and shapes which needed to be noticeable from the cameras angle. The other reason why silhouette was so important was because of the bold outline which was applied to everything in Unity via a shader. 
I would make the assets in Maya and carry them over to Unity, where senior artists would use them to set dress the different areas within each level. 
The texturing method used for asset creation, was using default Lambert materials from Maya which corresponded to materials in Unity. Each colour was a different material, so many of the assets created could end up having around three to nine materials on them. 
My Work in The Final Release
Lots of Toy Bear Sightings
Hyper Luminal Games
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