Stone and Veil Trailer
Stone and Veil is a game that was developed over the final examination semester of my Masters in Games Developmenet at Abertay University. It is a game designed for android tablet and its goal is to teach the user about how best to use land withn a sustainable way. The game was developed in collaberation with and for SEDA (Scottish Ecological Design Assossiation) who provided valauble consolutation and advice during the development of the experience.
On the Stone and Veil Project I was one of the 3D Artists responsible for developing the props which would be combined to make a assortment of tiles which the player would place down on each level of the game in oder to gain resources or effects to those resources. For example the wind turbine would be used to gain power and the Water Pump would be used to gain water.
Water Pump

Concept Art Made by Laura Lukacova
The models were developed using traditional high to low poly methods, to allow for detail to be baked into low poly models. In some circumstances I also needed to use a specific baking mesh in order to solve specific errors when it came to stretching with the baked result.

Baking Resuing without Supporting Loops

Baking Result with Supporting Loops

When it came to trexturing with the specific style we were going for, it allowed me to gain a greater understanding of how to make materials form scratch, as all of the detail and lighting information had to be conveyed through the base colour alone due to the limits of the tablet platform we were working from.
I am very pleased with the quality of work I have produced and the greater fundimental knowledge and ability this project has provided me with.
Logging Camp

Concept Art Made by Laura Lukacova

Composting Site

Wind Turbine
The wind Turbine was an interesting prop as it had to spin and animate however no bones or rigs were allowed due to the traget platform we wuld be running the game on. This was the firts time using vertex colours from scratched, I had worked with settings on vertex animated props before but this was my first time making somthing from scratch.

Other Props
Animating Animation (Static Mesh Animations)
Since I was the memeber of the team that had the most experience with animation I was incharge of animating the animals also.
Animation Showcase

Animation Bloopers