Dragon Rigging & Animation
All of the Rigging and animation was created in Blender for this project.
All of the Rigging and animation was created in Blender for this project.
Game Trailer
Dragon Rig & Naming Convention
The dragon model and texturing was made by Daniel Peterson, and I created the skeleton and naming conventions for the rig heirarchy. In which I created the animations from scratch using referance from game of thrones
The dragon model and texturing was made by Daniel Peterson, and I created the skeleton and naming conventions for the rig heirarchy. In which I created the animations from scratch using referance from game of thrones

Knight Main Character Rigging and Animation
For the sake of time on the short project we had, I used animation for Mixamo, which were then tweaked and adjusted for the games needs.
For the sake of time on the short project we had, I used animation for Mixamo, which were then tweaked and adjusted for the games needs.
Character Skeleton/rig used

Mixamo Animations used
Tweaked Animations which were used in game
Dragon Cultist Skeleton

Dragon Cultist Animations
Attack Animation: Graph and Dope Sheet

Idle Animation: Graph and Dope Sheet

Levitate Spell: Graph and Dope Sheet

Game Trailer Creation