Dragon Rigging & Animation
All of the Rigging and animation was created in Blender for this project. 
Game Trailer
Dragon Rig & Naming Convention
The dragon model and texturing was made by Daniel Peterson, and I created the skeleton and naming conventions for the rig heirarchy. In which I created the animations from scratch using referance from game of thrones
Knight Main Character Rigging and Animation
For the sake of time on the short project we had, I used animation for Mixamo, which were then tweaked and adjusted for the games needs.
Character Skeleton/rig used
Mixamo Animations used
Tweaked Animations which were used in game
Dragon Cultist Skeleton
Dragon Cultist Animations
Attack Animation: Graph and Dope Sheet
Idle Animation: Graph and Dope Sheet
Levitate Spell: Graph and Dope Sheet
Game Trailer Creation
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