Once I had completed the Main Enemy Concepts I help in the design of the Mall Environment concepts

Once the Concepts had been completed I worked on Character and Zombie Animations, I had no models to work with as they were being developed as I was making the animations, so I created a rig and started creating the animations. Both the Rig and the Animations were created in Maya
The first set of animations, was the animations I made for the playable character of the game

Character Run Cycle

Character Walk Cycle

Character Front Flip

Character Jump

Character Running Jump

Character Slide Stop
Next I worked on the Zombie's Animations. I used a free rig to get the correct movement and then copied the animations over to a rig, which would be skinned to the Zombie's mesh.

Zombie Attack Animation

Zombie Idle Animation

Zombie Walk Animation

Zombie Activation Animation

Zombie Death Animation